What is WalkersCNFT ?
Walkers is a Cardano-based NFT project that seamlessly combines GameFi elements . Its innovative βmove to earnβ model uniquely rewards holders based on the distance they walked. By engaging with the Walkers app, users not only contribute to their own well-being but also immerse themselves in a GameFi experience. Holders of WalkersCNFT are empowered to accumulate XP, earning valuable points that can be exchanged for $WLK tokens and additional partner tokens or coins. Walkers story begins in the year 3030 where the walkers are lost in a labyrinth struggling to find a way out. This is a Cyberpunk style inspired story and all art and design is based around that. Main parts of interests in users: ART
Main collection featuring four distinct character archetypes: Man, Woman, Hybrids, and Supernaturals, over 250 unique traits. Part of six factions : Electric immortals,Binary minds,Fixers,Glow wave,Code shifters,Neon hive
Witness the evolution of this collection through future project phases, including the introduction of offspring resulting from character breeding.
Cyberpunk-inspired story, intricately designed to showcase the nuanced traits of each character.
Within our ecosystem, the comic book unfolds a narrative rich in lore, providing a glimpse into characters lives within the labyrinth. The cover integrates metadata featuring music produced by blockchain artists. HEALTHY LIFESTYLE
Motivating users to integrate walking into their daily lives.
Elevate your lifestyle through real-world partnerships, Walkers access to discounted prices of healthy food brands,sport brands,affiliate programs...
Fitness routine with accessible exercise programs designed for home workouts.
Nutritionist program offers personalized meal plans based on users' blood types and daily activities. GAME FI Step into the future with our GameFi platform, the Labyrinth, where you'll tackle missions and challenges set in the year 3030, uncovering hidden treasures along the way in connection with real life ( Augmented reality will take every user in world never seen before ) SOCIALIZATION AND COMMUNITY BUILDING
Engage in daily activities, from marathons and races to collaborative problem-solving, fostering robust community connections.
Acknowledge the shared experience of navigating life's labyrinth, bound by schedules and missed opportunities. Together, let's break free from this metaphorical maze and collectively shape a brighter future.
Embrace the philosophy that every step holds significance, motivating users to recognize the inherent value in their walks, creating a sense of purpose and accomplishment. 'YOUR WALKS HAVE VALUE'
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