Character atributes
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Last updated
Walking distance daily - 12 km/7,5 mil./15000 steps daily Breed - 6 types - increase exp. x1,1;x1,2;x1,4;x1,8;x1,2;x2,2 WalkPass - double daily walking distance Boost - x1,5 Revive drink - reset distance daily HYBRIDS
Walking distance daily - 8 km/5 mil./10000 steps daily Breed - 6 types - increase exp. x1,1;x1,2;x1,4;x1,8;x1,2;x2,2 WalkPass - double daily walking distance Boost - x1,5 Revive drink - reset distance daily
Walking distance daily - 3 km/2 mil./4000 steps daily Breed - 6 types - increase exp. x1,1;x1,2;x1,4;x1,8;x1,2;x2,2 WalkPass - double daily walking distance Boost - x1,5 Revive drink - reset distance daily
Boost is a new way to get more out of your daily walks. With Boost, users of the Walkers app can easily increase their daily EXP . Boost will be available to purchase with Walkers Token on our website! Take your daily walks to the next level with Boost!
With revive drink, users will be able to "reset" their available walking distance each day, allowing them to earn more EXP. Revive drink will be available for mint on our website for Walker token